We recognize there is an abundance of info out there, at DWP we have researched and reviewed the references mentioned. We believe these resources bring value in self growth and education. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own.
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https://medlineplus.gov/healthyliving.html good source for general info on health matters.
Nami.org -national organization on mental illness with resources for patients and families.
LactMed: drugs and lactation database - https://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/newtoxnet/lactmed.htm
National Library of Medicine https://www.nlm.nih.gov/toxnet/index.html
MotherToBaby good patient medication fact sheets
Massachusetts General Hospital for Women’s Mental Health collection of articles, research, and blog posts from Harvard. Great information for patients and clinicians.
Early Learning - great site with education on early life connections and child brain development
San Bernardino County Department of Mental Health – Maternal Mental Health - http://www.sbcounty.gov/dbh/mmh/
Inland Empire Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative - http://iemmhc.org/ - local resources with frequent updates. they also have an informative facebook page.
Postpartum Health Alliance - https://postpartumhealthalliance.org/
Postpartum Support International - http://www.postpartum.net/ - good resources for mood and anxiety disorders for parents during the permpartum period.
2020 Mom - http://www.2020mom.org/
Weekly free support meetings in English AND Spanish - http://www.postpartum.net/psi-online-support-meetings/
Mom & Mind Podcast - http://www.momandmind.com/
psychiatry & psychotherapy podcast, hosted by Dr Puder from Loma Linda - phttps://psychiatrypodcast.com
Smartphone Apps
CBTi coach - skills for anxiety, sleep, and other stressors.
My3 - skills and safety plan in time of crisis
Safety plan - skills and safety plan in time of crisis